class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide #
Change Detection in Social Networks
Social Networks Analysis and Statistical Process Control
Ian McCulloh, Matthew Webb, John Graham
U.S. Military Academy
Kathleen Carley
Carnegie Mellon University
Daniel B. Horn
U.S. Army Research Institute ### 05 / 17 / 2018 --- class: center, middle ![]( ## **Submitted by:** ### Hernán David Torres Cardona ## **Professor:** ### Rubén Darío Guevara --- class: inverse, center, middle # Introduction --- # Social Networks Analysis ## Research Requirement ### **Social networks analysis** may signal **change** within an organization and **predict** significant events or behaviors. .footnote[ [1] McCulloh, I., Webb, M., Graham, J., Carley, K., & Horn, D. B. (2008). Change detection in social networks. Military Academy Dept Mathematical sciences. [PDF]( ] -- ### Detect these changes enables -- - ### the **anticipation** and early **warning** of change and -- - ### **faster response** to change --- background-image: url( background-size: 650px 590px class: center, bottom, inverse # A Twitter retweet! --- # Organizations are not static ## The challenge - ### Their structure, composition, and patterns of communication may change **over time**. -- - ### A certain degree of change is expected in the **normal course** of an unchanging organization. -- - ### Develope metrics to detect **signals of meaningful change** in a background of normal variability. --- # Social Network Change Detection ## Overview ### Previous methods may be effective at quantifying a difference in static networks, **but** they lack an underlying **statistical distribution**. ### **Examples** - ### Hamming distance: Error detector and corrector codes - ### Euclidean distance: Weighted networks - ### Exponential Random Graph Models: Metrics and statistical models describe structural changes --- # Social Network Change Detection ## Now and in what way? -- ### Improving significantly on previous attempts to detect organizational change **over time**. -- ### Introducing a statistically sound **probability space** and uniformly more powerful **detection methods¨** -- ### Techniques from _*SNA*_, combined with those from _*SPC*_. .footnote[ SNA: Social Networks Analysis SPC: Statistical Process Control ] --- class: inverse, middle, center # Social Network Analysis --- # Graphs -- ### SNA provides the basis for how social networks are modeled, measured, compared and visualized. <center><iframe src="" width="330" height="230" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe></center> -- + ### An **observed social network** can be modeled on a graph with **nodes** and links between them as **edges**. [1] .footnote[[1] (Scott, 2002; Wasserman & Faust, 1994) ] -- --- # Network Measures -- ### Network measures can be calculated -- - ### **from the entire graph (_extrinsic attributes_) or ** -- - ### for each individual node (_intrinsic attributes_). --- # Network Measures ## Extrinsic Attributes ### **Density** ### How many links exist in the graph divided by the total number of possible links. $$ d = \frac{\text{# edges}}{n(n-1)}$$ --- background-image: url( background-size: 650px 600px class: center, bottom, inverse # Density --- # Centrality Network Measures ## Extrinsic Attributes ###**Closeness centrality** ### How a node is connected beyond its immediate neighbors. `$$c_k = \frac{\min_k\{\sum_{i=1}^n g_{ki}\}}{\sum_{i=1}^n g_{ki}}$$` + `\(g_{ik}\)`: the number of geodesic paths between nodes i and j. --- background-image: url(untitled.png) background-size: 650px 600px class: center, bottom, inverse # Closeness centrality --- # Centrality Network Measures ## Extrinsic Attributes ### **Betweenness centrality** ### How often a node lies along the shortest path, or geodesic, between two other nodes for all nodes in a graph. `$$b_k = \sum _{i,j} \frac{g_{ikj}}{g_{ij}}$$` + `\(g_{ikj}\)`: the number of geodesic paths between nodes i and j crossing node k. + `\(g_{ij}\)`: total number of geodesic paths between nodes i and j. --- background-image: url(untitled2.png) background-size: 650px 600px class: center, bottom, inverse # Betweenness centrality --- # What is a Meta-Network? + ### **Meta-Network** – A representation of a Group of Networks. -- + ### **Node** – A representation of a real-world item (a who, what, where, how, why item). -- + ### **Node Class** – A set of nodes of one type. -- + ### **Link** – A representation of a tie, edge, connection, or relation link between any two nodes. -- + ### **Network** – A representation of a set of nodes of one type and the links of one type between them. -- + ### **Attribute** – Additional information about a node. --- class: inverse, middle, center # Statistical Process Control --- # Control charts ### SPC is a technique used mostly to monitor industrial processes. -- ### These detect changes in the **mean** of the process by taking periodic samples of the product and tracking the results against a **control limit**. -- ### Control charts are usually optimized for their processes to increase their sensitivity for detecting changes, while minimizing the number of **false alarms**. --- # CUSUM* Control Chart ### The **decision rule** runs off the cumulative statistic `$$C_t = \sum_{j=1}^t (Z_i - k)$$` .footnote[[*] Cumulative Sum] -- #### where `\(Z_i\)` is the standardized normal of each observation and the common choice for `\(k\)` is 0.5 -- ### This chart is well suited: -- + ### To detect small changes in the mean of a process over time. -- + ### To found its built-in change point detection --- class: inverse, middle, center # Methods and Result --- # Graph mesures ### The average graph measures for **density**, **closeness**, and **betweenness centrality** are calculated for several consecutive time periods of the social network. -- + ### The **“in-control” mean and variance** for the measures of the network are calculated by taking a sample average and sample variance of the **stabilized measures**. -- + ### The subsequent, successive social network measures are then used to calculate the CUSUM’s statistics. -- + ### Upon receiving a signal, the **change point** is calculated by tracing the signaling statistic back to the last time period it was zero. --- # Network mesures + ### Network measures of interest should follow or approximate a **normal distribution** due to the central limit theorem. -- + ### Each of the network measures was fit with five **continuous distributions**: normal, uniform, gamma, exponential, and chi-squared. -- + ### **Gamma Distribution** is the best fit for betweenness and density. This invalidated further usage of the **CUSUM Control Chart**. --- # Tactical Officer Eduaction Program #### The TOEP officers allow data about their personal and professional e-mail communication to be tracked over a 24-week period. -- #### Subjects with incomplete communication and not identically distributed data collected were eliminated from further examination. <p align="center"> <img width="400" height="400" src="NetworkToep.png"> </p> Graph made with the software ORA --- # Normally distributed but too much variance ### The planning calendar and participant interviews allowed investigators significant events that occurred each week: + #### Academic Requirements + #### The Next Week’s Academic Requirements + #### Administrative Events + #### Group Projects + Social Gatherings + #### Days Off. --- # Normally distributed but too much variance ### **Analysis of variance (ANOVA)** `$$\text{Closeness} = 0.18 − 0.11(\text{Group Projects} ) + 0.11(\text{Social Gatherings}) + 0.0074(\text{Number of Emails})$$` <p align="center"> <img width="470" height="200" src="Captura2.PNG"> </p> --- ## Closeness CUSUM #### When is the model no longer providing a good prediction? -- #### The `\(C_+\)` and `\(C_-\)` statistics were calculated for each week using a `\(k\)` value of 0.5 and a control limit of 3. <p align="center"> <img width="600" height="300" src="Captura3.PNG"> </p> --- ## Summary <p align="center"> <img width="560" height="300" src="Captura4.PNG"> </p> -- #### **Notices:** + #### An increase in group project work was **correlated** with a decrease in communication. + #### The **residuals** were verified as normally distributed to meet the prerequisites of the CUSUM Control Chart. --- # Al-Qaeda Communications Network #### The data are limited in that we do not know the type, frequency, or substance of the communication and all links are non-directional. <p align="center"> <img width="500" height="450" src="Captura5.PNG"> </p> --- ## Averages for mesures <p align="center"> <img width="550" height="300" src="Captura6.PNG"> </p> -- #### **Notices** + #### There might be a significant change in the al-Qaeda network between the years 2000 and 2001. + #### We would be alerted to a critical change in the network prior to the September 11 terrorist attacks. --- class: inverse, middle, center # Conclusions --- # Discussion and further work + ### Social network monitoring can to detect important changes in the monitored communication of both command and control networks as well as **terrorist networks**. + ### Several difficulties were encountered when working with the datasets, for example, the **completeness** of the dataset. + ### **Future research** should focus on near-complete datasets with high resolution. + ### Networks with a set of good predictors to explain varying behavior may be useful in producing models that can be **control charted**. --- class: center, middle, inverse # Thanks! 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